Sabkuch Legal is an online legal portal to cater to all legal requirements of individuals, MSEs, Start-ups as well as corporations. It is a brainchild of Mr. Rajiv Sarin, a renowned name in the field of law having over thirty years of experience working with organizations such as Coca Cola, Unilever and HCL
A Trademark is a unique logo or word mark or combination of both that represents a business or its products. Trademark Registration is done to protect the trademark rights of a party and to prevent usage of trademark by any other business. Trademarks in India are listed by the Controller General of Patents Designs and Trademarks, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India. Trademarks are registered under the Trademark Act, 1999 and give the trademark owner the power to sue for losses when infringements of trademarks happen. Sabkuch Legal is one of the best in the domain in Trademark registration.
Trademark registration involves the following steps: (reference Vakil search)
A Trademark is a unique logo or word mark or combination of both that represents a business or its products.
What is a trademark class?The Trademark Registry has classified goods and services under 45 classes. The trademark would be registered under those classes only.
What if my trademark is taken, but under a different class?If your brand name has already been registered, but under a different class, you can still get it registered. Unless the brand is too well known ( such as Audi), your application is likely to be approved.
For how many years is Trademark valid?As per section 25, the period of registration of the Trademark is 10 years and after which, it may renew time to time and notice will be served by the Registrar after the expiration of registration of the Trademark to the proprietor.
What is the benefit of Trademark registration?Trademark registration gives your Trademark legal protection and a unique identity.
How long does Sabkuch Legal take for Trademark registration?We try our best to complete your task in shortest possible time.